Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I hate it when I offend people. I have accepted the fact that it will happen, to people I care about. I will say something or do something with a good intention, but it comes out wrong. I know sometimes if I have an idea on how to do something I just plow ahead without asking anyone else's opinion. This is probably not the most effective way, especially when that idea includes those people. I want to apologize to those I have offended. I hope they know me well enough to know that I would never do it on purpose. I feel awful when I know that I did something that hurt someone else. I also know that to a large degree it is our choice to be offended or not. However, that doesn't make how someone feels any less important. This may seem from out of nowhere, sort of out of left field. But on looking back over the past few days, even few weeks, I realize that sometimes I just do dumb things, or say dumb things. The way they come out is not at all how I intended. I love my family and I love my friends. I also know I have a big mouth, which has gotten me into trouble over the years. I am working on thinking before I act and speak, which is a lot easier said than done.


Laura said...

Well said. I say things and then realize that it may have offended someone WAY later -- too late to have made apologies in person. I try hard to think before speaking, but like you said, that can be so hard! :)

Marni's Organized Mess said...

I could have written this post. I have the tendency to put my foot in my mouth... often.

I love you. I know that you have a good heart and good intentions. I accept you as you are.

...and I CAN NOT WAIT TO see you Monday!

The Lowe Family said...

I rarely think before I talk. :) I'm sure I never offend people though. hee hee. You are great Cass. The fact that you recognize and ask for forgiveness is way better than most. love you

Cassondra said...

I know how you feel and it's really lame. I'm sorry. With that said, people DO choose to be offended so if you have someone whose been offended by something you said, they need to pick their panties out of a knot and get over it on their own. Seriously, none of us are perfect. I hope people would try to be forgiving of my awkwardness because we all have it in some area.

In regards to YOU, don't be too hard on yourself. We ALL have things we could improve! I think it's good when people recognize things they want to change in themselves and work towards that. Kudos for being one of those.

I like that I know what I'm getting with you - you're straight forward and direct. I also think you are very kind hearted and thoughtful of others. I really appreciated, when we were out there, that you thought of ideas of thing we could do to spend some time together: like inviting me to music makers and a movie night. I'm not good at taking initiative to set things up so i appreciated that you did. I loved your company.

You're wonderful and I'm looking forward to seeing you in 2 weeks! Love,
the other cass

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Whitney's Speech:


Love ya!