Saturday, June 21, 2008

What a Day!

I just had a learning experience. I took three children by myself to Walmart. Am i insane? I must be since they were two toddlers and a two week old. We were there for maybe twenty minutes and they were quite a long twenty minutes. Sarah started crying so I was holding her in one hand while pushing the cart with the other hand and Jacob running everywhere. Such fun!! To top off my wonderful Saturday, Sarah decided to unload on her mother. I had to change all my clothes, ALL of them, and then take a shower while Mom gave Sarah a bath. I forgot how often newborn diapers do not hold all they're supposed to.

This is my frog princess. I can't believe how big she already after just two weeks. When I pick her up she already feels heavier. Why do they have to grow so fast?


JD and Willow said...

What a cute little frog she is. Who do you think she looks like, I can't decide. Love you.

Diana Hawkins said...

The answer is yes, you are insane! ;) I do remember trying to adjust to the experience of shopping with three, and it is a new world indeed! Very brave of you to attempt it so soon! I pretty much had to go armed with snacks, and often ended up either wearing my Bjorn with the baby in it and pushing the other two in the cart (until there was enough in it that they were ousted one by one, not having to walk the WHOLE time helped them), or I would push one cart of children and pull another with groceries. After awhile, Kit decided it was less trouble to walk, which was nice. Lots of snacks that were different from whatever they usually get was helpful too, but there's just no way around the fact that it's crazy crazy!

Those little froggy legs crack me up! They just haven't figured out they can go anywhere they want to yet, more comfortable to stay tucked up against the bod - but I love it, it helps her retain that newborn look! So adorable!

And if you can get some coupons for them or find them on sale, Pampers Swaddlers were the best for my baby's bums ... I only used them until they grew out of Newborn size, and sometimes into size 1 before switching. It didn't occur to me until Ashlynne that maybe trying different brands of diapers could help solve the blowout problem, but it totally did! Someone else I know found Luvs to work best - it really depends on the shape of your baby's bottom. But whereas with Kit and Chloe I had to soak almost everything they wore for little leaks or big blowouts, I hardly ever had to with Ashlynne once I found that right newborn diaper fit. Best of luck!

Well I'm looking over this comment and I think it's longer than your post and full of a bunch of advice you didn't ask for! :) (Sheepish grin)

Sure do love you! Give those three little ones a squeeze from their Arizona cousins!

Love you,