Sunday, June 15, 2008

Daddy's girl

I love the face they make when they don't want anymore food and you try to open their mouth. Sarah has the cutest kissy face.
I look at my baby girl and can't believe that she is already a week old. At the same time, if I was still pregnant, this week would have crept by. I am so glad I can now hold her in my arms.
Whitney came home from work, picked up Sarah when she was sleeping, and proceeded to cuddle with her for the next three hours. He did it again the other day when he got home and last night when we were at the Lowes. He was slightly tired after being awake for almost three days straight and fell asleep on the couch with Sarah. She already has him wrapped around her little finger. I find it absolutely adorable.


Cassondra said...

OOhhhh! She is sooooooo cuuuuuuute!! What pretty hair she has! You could probably already get some little hair clip or bow in it! How lucky are you! She is really sweet and I love the picture of her sleeping on Whit's chest. That is one of my favorite things about a newborn! Wow! I wish we were closer. Hopefully we'll see you before the year ends! Thanks for the update. You guys are great bloggers already :)

Cassie June said...

Do you guys know if you are coming out for Christmas?