Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hello Kamryn Janeen Lowe!!!

Welcome to the world Kamryn!!! Our bundle of joy was born Thursday, Dec. 2nd at 5:19am. I was in the hospital for an hour when she was born. We are so happy to have her in our family. She is a beautiful and sweet baby. Her siblings love her very much. They are constantly asking to hold her and kiss her. Sometimes I have to protect her from all of the affection. Of course, Whitney and I aren't any better. We love to sit and hold her and just watch her as she watches us. She eats well and sleeps well, for the most part. I feel so blessed to have 4 beautiful children and a wonderful husband, and not to be pregnant anymore. We love you, Kamryn!


Cassondra said...

Yay! I've been stalking your blog in hopes of seeing more pictures! I am so happy for you! Kamryn is beautiful and your big kids are getting cuter and cuter. How is that even possible? We miss you guys! Hope to see you sooner than later!
Love you!
Cassie K

Grooving Gartners said...

congrats again. I agree that your family is so cute. Good luck with taking care of your growing family and have yourself a Merry Christmas

Natalie said...

Congrats on the beautiful new baby!!!

Laura said...

Congrats! Hope you are doing OK!

The Robinson Family said...

I am happy for you Cassie,
Could you please e-mail me? It seems I have an old address that won't work anymore. I hope your family is doing well and enjoys a wonderful Christmas season. Sure miss being closer to you guys!