Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sharing Moment

I love how service is a circle. It's like those insurance commercials. You see service or have a service done to you and you in turn serve someone else. I have been able to serve a friend of mine a lot lately. They are going thru a rough patch with their families and work, plus she is having a baby on Monday. They don't have a car right now and she is supposed to be on bed rest, but with two kids already that is hard. So I gave her a ride to her doctor appt today. Then she watched the kids while I went grocery shopping. We hung out after I got back and instead of going home for dinner, she called the lady who was bringing their dinner and had her drop it off at my house. So the sister came over with her daughter and we chatted. She forgot something at home so ran back to get it, bringing two other daughters and we talked some more. Then we realized the time. She told me she would be back to help clean up the kitchen. Sage (the friend) left with her kids and I got mine ready for bed. Julie came over to play a game and the sister came back with one daughter and cleaned my kitchen. Now, she hadn't started out the day giving service to me, but she ended it that way. I started the day with service and ended being the recipient. I am always amazed at how it goes around and comes around. You serve others and in turn are served. It is such a blessing. I am so grateful I have the ward family we do. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the knowledge that the family is the most important unit. I love my savior for all He has blessed me with. We have been so blessed, especially with Whitney in the academy. I Know that Christ loves me. I see His hand in my life every day. I am grateful for my children, even when I don't feel it at that moment. They bring meaning and happiness to my life. I love my husband and despite the creepy dreams I have been having, I know that we will stay strong and be together forever. Thank you for listening to my sudden tangent. But I know the power of service and I am grateful for those that can and do for others. It is that Christ-like love that other people see and will draw them to our savior. Thank you all for your support and love.


Laura said...

That's a great story! Thanks for sharing it! I think things in life are easier when you serve others. It may not be more convenient, but it makes your own troubles seem easier!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

:-) I love you girlie.

I can't wait to see you again in just a few weeks.


Bec, Tim and Boys said...

Don't you love times like these? What a great post! Thanks for sharing! I haven't been blogging much lately, but enjoyed going through your last few posts. It was fun to see pics of Cassie K on your blog! I am so impressed that took a road trip by your self with your 3 kids. You are amazing! Cass and I share the same fear and handicap of driving, and so I never would have ventured out on my own with out Tim - especially with 3 kids!
Your hair cut looks super cute! Shorter hair is much easier with little kids/babies, huh! It looks really cute on you too. It was fun seeing you this weekend. Keep up the good work being a "single mom" and congrats on Whit graduating soon! Oh, and have fun with the Lowe girls seeing Wicked- that sounds like so much fun! Tell Cass and Diana Hi for me!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Sorry we missed the party this weekend. Would love to come out sometime soon, maybe Spring Break for the kids? Bring Jacob his present...