Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Book Recommendation

I just finished, "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. It was a very good book. It was very moving. I thoroughly recommend it. When you get to the end, though, I would suggest a tissue. If you know anyone who is dying of cancer, recommend it to them too, or someone who has lost someone to cancer. A very good read!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The glasses

My mom sent me a box of baby stuff and these infant glasses were in there. My family had fun with them.

I strategically did not put them on. I know blackmail when I see it.
About two weeks ago Sarah started talking like eight or nine steps in a row. She walked back and forth between Whitney and I like ten times. Since then, she walks a little more and crawls a little less each day. She has also learned to stand on her own. This makes me sad because I realize she will no longer need to do the stinkbug walk. A shame, that. I love you Sarah!

Happy Birthday Sarah!

This is Sarah's 1 year picture. I took it in the backyard. The background is our brand new fence. Yay!

We did a butterfly theme for her birthday. This is the cake.

The following are Sarah opening her gifts.

In this one, she spotted the biggest Care Bear, which was at the bottom of the bag and heaved it out.

All her presents. And Daddy.

Instead of blowing out her candle, Sarah grabbed the flame. We thought we would have repeat of Jacob's second birthday, but she didn't even flinch. Happy Birthday, my baby girl.

Sarah wasn't too sure about the cake. She picked at it mostly then dumped the piece on the floor. I figured she was done. She had fun getting messy though.

This was Whit after all the clean up and mowing his parents. po wittow boy.
This is Jared waiting for dinner to be ready. Another po wittow boy.