Monday, December 8, 2008

On a happier note

I know after last night's post it might seem like nothing good has happened lately, but that is not true. Sarah has been exploding in the development stage. Just this weekend, she started pulling herself to her feet against the furniture. She can flip herself out of her Bumbo, she can go from a stink bug position straight to her booty, and according to Whitney, she said "Dada". It was more of a "thatha", but Whitney wanted to count it. I wasn't going to shatter his illusions. Jacob and Jared love Sarah so much. They love having her in their room to play and have a bad babit of waking her up when she is sleeping. They are good boys(for the most part) and they are good big brothers.
The kids playing in the leaves in the front yard.

Sarah joining the boys.

My cute kids.

My strong boys. We took family pics too, but I didn't like any of them enough to use. We are taking more this weekend.


Marni's Organized Mess said...

Those last two are beautiful. Muah!

Cassondra said...

OOOOHHH! Your children are SOOOOO dang cute!! How fun for you!

Great job on the pics in your yard. Hey, I want a yard...with kids would be in heaven! You are blessed in that way!

Sounds like that little Sarah is quite the early achiever! Wow! She's lucky to have such sweet big brothers, too!

Love you! Have a great trip!
Cassie K

kp said...

Spot, thanks for letting me know! But even if you had been tagged, you never actually post! Cassie does the family updating! But I will keep this in mind when I get tagged again! Hope the family is having a good weekend off together!