Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sarah's first Sunday

I bought this dress at Easter because I thought it was adorable. Whitney thought it was silly when she wouldn't be here for Easter but, I ask you, isn't she perfect in that dress? I wanted her to wear it for her Sunday at church.
I needed a better pic of all three of my kids. I am still getting used to having three. I think the hardest thing right now is the lack of sleep. The boys are up about 6:30 but there's no way I can pull myself out of bed that early. And Sarah doesn't usually goto sleep in the evening until about 11or 12. So, needless to say, I am one tired cookie most of the time.

My menfolk were having a cuddle session in Jared's bed. I know it is so important for both Whitney and I to make sure we still give the boys attention so they feel secure. They seem to be doing pretty well. Now I am glad that Jacob and Jared are so close in age because they have each other while Mom is busy with the baby.


Cassondra said...

Okay. That little yellow dress IS way cute and she looks SO precious in it!!

I love the new picture of all the kids together. I can't believe your oldest is as old as my youngest. It's hard for me to imagine having 2 more younger than Brielle, my "baby". I need to get over it. She's no baby any more. She's 3 1/2. Really. We need some more kids so she stops acting like the baby..hahaha!Anyway, cute picture.

The girls were looking with me and admireing your sweet kids. Brielle said, "I love Sarah's pink eyes!!!" Pink is here VERY favortie color. She had a hard time understanding that Sarah's eyes are REALLY black in the center. She is officially convinced, and IMPRESSED, that baby Sarah has PINK eyes!!!

Whitney's a fun dad! Both of you are doing such a good job! Way to go being in tune to the boys increased need for attention. They are lucky to have such a smart mom!

Love you and miss you,

Natalie said...

Wow, I can't imagine having 3 kids! That awesome you can do it, even though your tired, which is understandable. Sarah looks adorable in that dress!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

That is awesome. You are such a wonderful mom Cassie.

Diana Hawkins said...

Sarah is gorgeous! I miss the little downy head and alert eyes of newborns, just taking it all in before they can get around to explore everything.

Love the picture of Whitney and the boys ...


Love you,