Saturday, October 18, 2008

One more

Since most of you live in California, you are well aware of the Prop 8 issue. I guess you could say I had my first encounter with the opposite opinion today. We have a sign in our yard to vote yes on 8. well today I am sitting on the couch when I hear noise outside. I usually have the window open slightly on days like this. So I look out the window and see some kid throw a mangled sign in front of the window. I hop up and get out of the house as fast as I can so I can blister him verbally. I went out and gave him a piece of my mind. I keep waiting to see if he and his friends will pass by and take down the two new signs I put up. Since we have plenty in our garage, for every one that's taken down, we will put one up.
I don't understand. They say they are just after equal rights. And yet people will infringe on my rights to express my opinion. It's called the first amendment. In being faced with this issue I have realized that if Prop 8 is defeated, it will do much damage. In changing the meaning of marriage, our school systems will teach that about same sex marriage. In Mass, parents had no right to object to their children being taught that. They also had no right to know when the schools would be teaching it. They were teaching it to 2nd graders!! If Prop 8 is defeated, churches who don't accept same sex couples will lose their tax exemptions. Priests or bishops who refuse to marry same sex couples could be sued. I have nothing against same sex couples. However, I don't think it is right for them to define marriage for the rest of us. Anyone have any questions on what else would happen, visit I usually don't pay attention to politics or really the issues that we are voting on, but I won't ignore this. Neither of the presidential candidates support same sex marriage. I worry for my children who will be starting school in a couple of years. It is not the job of the school system to tell my children about marriage. It is my right and duty as a parent. As domestic partners, same sex couples have all the rights that a married couple does. Look up the facts and find the truth before Noevember, I urge you. This is an important issue. Those judges in SF shouldn't have turned over a decision that Californians already voted on. Help us protect the sanctity of marriage. This is not a civil rights issue, its a moral issue.


Cassondra said...

Good for you, Cass! All of the opposition against you for saying YES on Prop 8 just goes to show how important it really is!

kp said...

Way to be! I love your comments. I also think it's crazy that people keep taking the signs down. It's just playing dirty!

Laura said...

Totally agree. Good job posting about it! It totally scares me what is happening in this world... sign of the times for sure.