Thursday, March 11, 2010

New calling

I have received a new calling. I am now the 2nd counselor in the Primary presidency. I am excited about this calling and look forward to the work I can do there. I know it will be a bit of a personal challenge but I know I can push through and become a better person because of this calling.
We are doing good. We have a game night with a couple of friends and it is so fun to get together and play and visit and, of course, eat. We also put an offer on a house and are just waiting to hear from the bank if the offer has been approved. We are very excited to be getting more space. It's a four bedroom, two bathroom. I am really, really, really excited!! Can you tell? As soon as we know we have the house I will post pics.


JD and Willow said...

Congrats on the calling I know you can do it and succeed through the challenges. We are moving the 27th and hopefully we'll hear from the bank soon after that. We're excited but I'm tired of packing and painting. Just want to be there. Love you all.

Cassondra said...

That's awesome!! I look forward to hearing more!

Kelly said...

Good luck Cassie! That is such exciting news.