Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm grateful

I just wanted to take a minute and express my gratitude. Today is my birthday and I think that's a great reason to recognize the blessings I have been given in my life. I am grateful for my parents. They have always supported me in all I do. They love me and are great examples to me. I am grateful for my siblings. They made growing up much more interesting. I'm glad that now we are older we all get along and can be friends, besides just being related. I am grateful I have been able to live close to my Grandma Carter. She is an amazing woman and has seen many things in her 90 years. She is a great example to me of perseverence. I am grateful for my husband. Whitney is very patient with my moodiness and my temper. He is supportive and loving. I am grateful for my children. I know most days I lose my patience at least once, when I get those hugs and kisses and "I love you"s, it makes it all worth it, and all my frustration is forgotten, at least temporarily. I am grateful for my friends. They are a constant blessing to me. I am happy that I know I can call someone and have that person listen and empathize. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and I am glad they make it easy to do so. I am grateful that we can finally start looking for a house!! I know the Lord has blessed us in this area. I am grateful for my father in Heaven. I am grateful there is more to my life than just existing here on earth. I am grateful I can be with my family forever. I am grateful for the atonement. I am grateful that Christ died so I can return to him. I am grateful for the gospel in my life. It gives my life purpose and direction. I love my heavenly father and I know that he loves me. He shows me in so many ways; blessing me with my family and friends, with Whitney having a good job, and keeping him safe. Thank you all for being in my life.


JD and Willow said...

Happy Birthday Cassie;) We love you tons and miss you bunches. Hope you had a great day.

Natalie said...

I hope you had a great birthday! Being grateful is on of the best gifts to give yourself!

Cassondra said...

What a beautiful post! I've started a gratitude journal again and I love how it makes me feel to be grateful! Thanks for sharing! Happy belated Birthday!