Monday, June 15, 2009

The glasses

My mom sent me a box of baby stuff and these infant glasses were in there. My family had fun with them.

I strategically did not put them on. I know blackmail when I see it.
About two weeks ago Sarah started talking like eight or nine steps in a row. She walked back and forth between Whitney and I like ten times. Since then, she walks a little more and crawls a little less each day. She has also learned to stand on her own. This makes me sad because I realize she will no longer need to do the stinkbug walk. A shame, that. I love you Sarah!


Cassondra said...

Hahaha! I love the glasses! And you're hilarious - blackmail - you're exactly right which is why it's so funny!

Congratulations Sarah! What a big girl! Those first steps are bitter sweet, I think...

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Yay Sarah!

Natalie said...

love the glasses! Great job Sarah!