Monday, July 28, 2008


We took pics on Saturday. Of course, I left the camera in the car and Whitney is gone until tomorrow night so I can't post any right now. We took new family ones with all five of us, Jared's two year pic, and pics of Sarah. We also took ones of the boys together. I can't wait to get them on the computer and print some out. I am ready to have more recent pics around the house. As far as our family, Whitney is going to have to get an ablation on his heart. It's a simple out-patient procedure. As soon as we have approval from MediCal we can get it done. Whitney is planning on going into the academy in November.
Friday was an adventure. I took the kids to Target with me while Whit slept. Sarah was asleep until we got into the store. She then proceeded to blow out her diaper. Where was the diaper bag? In the car. So I asked a lady to watch the boys while I ran out to the car. Then I got Sarah changed. Was she happy after that? Oh no. We sat in the snack area and I fed her while the boys sat very patiently. Then we got ICEEs but Sarah still wasn't happy. We made it to the back of the store with a cart half full of stuff. Sarah was screaming, Jacob and Jared were running around crawling under and through things, and I just couldn't do it anymore. We left the cart where it was and went home. As soon as we got home I put Sarah in the swing and crawled next to Whitney on the bed and cried. He semi woke up and comforted me. I wnet back during nap time and finished the shopping. My cart was still there. That was my latest adventure and I hope I don't have to repeat it anytime soon!!


Natalie said...

I bet that was not fun...but it sounds funny, especially the part where your cart was still there! Check out my blog, I tagged you!

Cassondra said...

Oh, Cassie!! My heart seriously went out to you for your Target experience! You are such a trooper! I'm sure it gets easier to go out with 3's got to, right? At least now that it's over, it makes for one of those funny mom stories that moms can crack up over because they can totally relate! Thanks for sharing!

I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOUR NEW PICTURES!! I'm going to be checking your blog like mad until they're up! How fun!!

Whit, can you expand on what you're having done to your heart?? When is the surgery? Are you already accepted to the academy? If not, when do you know?

We're coming to visit in March so I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys and hanging out now that you don't live so far from mom and dad anymore. Yay!!!

I love you!!!
Cassie K

Cassondra said...

I've been thinking about you guys today. I wish we could have been there for sara's blessing. How did it go? Did you get a picure of her in her gown? I'm looking foreard to pictures!

Bec, Tim and Boys said...

Cassie and Whitney,
Thanks so much for the invite to your blog! You have such a cute little family and I just had to laugh out loud when I read your most recent post! I have had many similar experiences and it does get easier as your babies get older. I have also found that I have to go shopping first thing in the morning, like right after breakfast, so my kids are not tired, hungry, whiny, etc. In fact, my oldest starts kindergarten next week and although I will miss him, I am SUPER EXCITED to only go shopping with 2 kids again! Good luck with future shopping trips!